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Ephrata Honors Banner Program

VFW Post 3376 is proud to continue the Ephrata Honors Banner Program with Phase IV.  We wish to thank the sponsors, the community, the Borough of Ephrata and Mainspring of Ephrata for their ongoing support and enthusiasm for the program to honor and remember our military heroes. 


Our Phase IV banners will hang from Memorial Day of 2024 through Veteran's Day 2024.  They will then follow the seasonal rotation of the Ephrata Borough displays for 2025 and 2026, hanging for a total of three seasons.


Since this new Phase has just begun, we are not accepting any new submissions for banners at this time.


If you have any questions about banners please email 

or call 717-733-9904.


The Phase III Banners have been permanently retired. They may be picked up at the Post at 141 South State Street in Ephrata by appointment.  Please contact us through email or by calling 717-733-9904.  We regret we are not able to mail or ship the banners to other locations.

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